Tuesday 13 June from 12.30-2pm Home base 4 went to the Art Gallery. We had 5 very kind parent helps who generously gave up their time to come and help us on our trip. If it weren't for these amazing people we could not have gone. There were so many cool pieces of art and our host Bianca explained them really well. After we had a tour of some specific pieces we got to make our own tree house. We were given a piece of card with a template on it and we had to cut it out, colur it and then go to a table and use a craft knife to cut out the windows and doors. We all sat at a table with some colured pencils and we colured everything on the tree house. Some people were really creative and put rope swinging theirs using real rope! You will be able to see my tree house down below.
Photos of my tree house:
Picture 1: One side of the outside.
Picture 2: door side of the outside.
picture 3: The inside.
The aim of my out side was to have it to look like a sky.
The aim of my inside was to make it look like my dream room.
Thanks for reading and coming to cheek back on my blog. Have you ever been to the Art Gallery? If so what was your favorite piece of art?