
Monday, September 23, 2019

PBL Website

Welcome back!
Today I will be sharing my main artifact for PBL. We had to make a main artifact that would be the main thing we share. Mine is a website. My partner and I worked very hard on this website so feel free to visit it. The link will be below:

Thanks for reading!
Comment question: Have you made a website?

PBL Sub Artifact

Welcome back. This term for PBL we have to make 2 sub artifacts for our PBL. My group made 3. Here is our smoothie recipe cards:
Feel free to try the recipe out!
Comment question: Do you like smoothies?

PBL Invite!

Welcome back my blog!
Today I will be sharing my PBL invite! Here it is:
Comment Question: Do you do PBL?

Thursday, September 12, 2019

PBL Planning

Welcome back!
As we get  closer to our PBL sharing day (2 weeks away!!!) we have started to focus more on PBL and what we are doing. My partner and I have decided we would make a start up company. We are going to be making foods that are based around the future as we imagine it in 30 years.  We are making 2 different foods. One is a smoothie and the other is a sandwich. Here is my planning doc:
Thanks for reading!
Comment question: What do you think the world will be like in 30 years?

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

RE Advertisement

Today I will be sharing my ad from RE. We had to chose a sacrament and then we had to make an ad for it. Here is mine:

Thanks for reading!
Comment Question? Can you guess what sacrament I did?

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Science Investigation

Welcome back to my blog or hi if your new!

Today I will be talking about my science investigation. We had to chose a question that our experiment would be based on. This question had to relate to the future. Mine was "How can we keep our food fresh for longer?". To find an answer to this question I took 3 eggs. I put one in vinegar. One in water and one by its self. I left them to see what would happen.  I will update you later!
Thanks for reading!
Comment Question: What is you favourite science experiment?

Volunteering Week

Welcome Back!
This week I am going to be sharing my experience of volunteering. Last week it was volunteering week. We got put into groups that went to different places to volunteer. I got put into the curtain bank. We went and learnt about what they do. The curtain bank is a organisation that gets old curtains from people and make them new then they give them to people who can't afford brand new ones. Our job was measuring the curtains and putting them into bags. We did this for 2 and 1/2 hours. By doing this we found out a bit more about what volunteers do and how this group impacts the community.

Thanks for reading!
Comment question: Have you ever volunteered?