
Friday, June 26, 2020

HawaIi Writing

Welcome back to my blog! Here is some writing I have been working on recently:

Kaylee and her friends jumped off the boat and headed for the shore. The remote beach was only accessible by boat. Kaylee’s dad grabbed the picnic blanket and some rugs and carried them over his head, struggling not to get them wet. The beach was located on an island off the coast of hawaii. Hawaii was a popular tourist hotspot. The island was not well known and was like an expensive gem, everyone wanted it but not everyone could get it. Little did Kaylee and her dad know, only ⅗ friends that she had bought with her knew how to swim. The water was like glass. Perfectly clear and still except for the odd ripple coming from the speedboats that rested by the shore. It was like a whole other world under the blue liquid. Fish swam in schools and coral blossomed, the home of many creatures. Of course there were dangers about the remote island. Stinging jellyfish circled the beach. But that never stopped anyone. People traveled for miles to come to this beach. The most feared of all creatures was the great white shark. It was huge. It’s teeth shaped like triangles, perfect for ripping out the flesh of animals smaller than him. It was rare but people had spotted it swimming around the shallow waters.  

Thanks for reading! Comment question: Have you ever been to Hawaii?

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Welcome back! #
here is a reading task: 

Book: Ella and Olivia, Puppy Trouble

It is a golden retriever puppy called bob. In the book they said he was a golden colour so I did that and that he had a big black nose, so I did that and he had a pink tongue so I did that and I made him smallish and in the book he wasn't very fluffy so I did smooth fur. 

Maths- Shapes

Welcome Back!
This week for maths we have been focusing on shapes/geometry. One of the tasks we had to complete was a table that had shapes we had to put in the right place and talk about how many edges, vertices and faces they have. Here is the table:

For another task I had to make a net for a polyhedron. I choose to do a cube. Here is a photo: 

Comment question: have u ever made a net?

Reading - Five Senses

Welcome back! 
This week for reading we had to make an image based on what we read in the text. I read a paragraph of harry potter called "Harry seeing the great hall for the first time". Here is the image I created: 

Comment Question: have you ever read Harry Potter? 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Welcome back!
Heres a math question. See if you got the same awnser as me. 

400 x 7=2800
60 x 7=420
6 x 7=42 

Narrative Writing

Welcome back! 
Here is a paragraph of a narrative I have been writing. The plot of the story is that she changes into someone shes not and gets involved with the wrong crowd at school. I hope you like it. 
My name is Aria. Aria Bree Stratford. Welcome to my diary. This is the first page in this disgusting pink book. Trust me I don't want to do this either. It's an assignment for school over the break, school aye! Speaking of school, I hate it. I just started my freshman year of highschool.  New school, new people, new classes and no friends. Well that was until the other day when the “popular kids” came over and invited me to hang out with them. They thought they could see “potential” in me. I don't really like hanging out with them but it will have to do. I expect we will be moving soon anyway. Oh yes, I forgot to mention. My dads a marine officer so we move around. A lot. It kinda sucks because the moment we get settled somewhere we have to move again. My mums not really around anymore. She left not long after I was born, but she turns up occasionally. Last I heard of her she was drinking Margaritas and lying on the beach in bikinis. Some island somewhere. Sometimes people make fun of me for not having a mum. But i don't really care. My dad and I get on just fine by ourselves. Well our dog Max comes everywhere with us as well. Because of my dad's work I have lived all round the world. Australia, England, New Zealand and Fiji just to name a few. Each place owns a little bit of my heart. I love travelling, cooking, horse riding, swimming and kayaking. Uh this is so boring! This school is one of the worst ones I have been to. I mean, the school is fine but the people are just. They are the kinda people that make you feel like you aren’t welcome.

Thanks for reading.
Comment question: Do you enojy writing?