
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Science Investigation

Welcome back to my blog or hi if your new!

Today I will be talking about my science investigation. We had to chose a question that our experiment would be based on. This question had to relate to the future. Mine was "How can we keep our food fresh for longer?". To find an answer to this question I took 3 eggs. I put one in vinegar. One in water and one by its self. I left them to see what would happen.  I will update you later!
Thanks for reading!
Comment Question: What is you favourite science experiment?

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Wonderful Water Cycle!

Welcome back to my blog!
This term we have been working on science! There are four different rotations and every Tuesday we do a different one. So far I have done heart rate and  the water cycle. Today I will be sharing my doc about the water cycle.

Thanks for reading!
Comment question: Do you enjoy science?

Monday, November 26, 2018


Welcome back to my blog!
This term our PBL (Project Based Learning) has been focused on our school wide market.  Our question is "How can we make a marketable product using the steam approach?". The first step was to make groups. My group is  Grace and Caitlin.  After that we deiced to learn about STEAM.  We found out that STEAM is,
After that we brainstormed some ideas about products that me could make. We wanted to do something unique and special compared to everyone else. Our group has made and designed an experience. We are making whats in the box!  There will be four boxes and each has a different thing in them. You have to guess what each thing is. Of you get each one right then you will get to pick a prize. Our game will cost $2 and we will also be selling natural lip balms and lip scrubs for $2 as well.  The market will be on the 4th of December from 10-2. We may sell out so come down as fast as you can! We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

My Magnificent Volcano

My Magnificent Volcano 

The past few days my  Neila and I have been working on a volcano. This term we have been focusing on Maori myths and legends. In our group session we were reading the story, Battle of The Mountains. This was what we chose to do for our reading follow up. Here is how we made it;

The first day we made a volcano shape out of tinfoil and tape. We covered a small bottle in tinfoil and stuck some different sized tinfoil balls to it. Then we covered it in lots more tinfoil.  This took us quite a along time. The shape was inspired by Tongariro one of the main characters in The Battle Of The Mountains. The next day we mixed lots of different colours of paint. We finally got the perfect reddy brown colour. On the last day we made the volcano erupt. This was my favorite part.  I really enjoyed making a volcano and hope that one day I can do it again.

Neilas Blog: Neila


Comment Question: Have you ever done a science experiment?