
Friday, July 28, 2017

Technology Challenge

Over the past week we have been rotating round all the teachers in the hub. With each teacher we did a different activity that we had to do in teams. The activity's were Marshmellow challenge, Stretcher challenge, Paper Chain Challenge and the Cup stacking Challenge. Every time we were split in to different groups of about 4 or 5 people. The people in my group were

Marshmellow Challenge-  Rueben, Charlotte, Arie and Ben

Stretcher Challenge- Matthias, Joe and Olivia

Paper Chain Challenge-  Ethan, Isabella and Logan

Cup Stacking Challenge- Ruby, Seamus and Willam

All of my groups worked well together and had some great ideas. Something that I would change would be when we did the Marshmellow Challenge only two people in the group did the work an when we did the Paper Chain challenge our Chain didn't go very far. 

Thanks For Reading. Do you have any tips for good teamwork?   


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Learning Showcase

On Wednesday the 29th we had a Learning Showcase where all the parents could come and see what we have been doing through these past 2 terms. We had a main stage were groups of 5 and higher performed. Some of the groups that preformed were Kapahaka,Choir,Drama,Dance,Rad Rhythm and music. We also had to show some compulsory things such as a maths strategy, your favorite piece of writing, answer some questions asked by the people that came to see your work and show one of the PBLs we have done this term.   Here is a slide show with some photos from our show case: 

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed this post. Have you ever done kapahaka before?