
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Reading Create task

Here is my reading create task:

Thanks for reading!
Comment question: What is an embarrassing story? 

My Haiku Poem

Welcome back!
For the next couple of weeks in our hub we have been focusing on poems. I choose to write a Haiku poem about myself.
Here is my poem. I hope you like it.
Thanks for reading
Comment question: Do you like poems? 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Top Team Reflection

Welcome back to my blog!
Today I will be sharing my experience with Top Team. Top Team is run by sport Canterbury and your school can get them to come to you and you do heaps of challenges and other cool stuff. By completing these challenges you get points and by getting points your team can win the whole thing.  Some of the challenges include things like building the highest tower, getting water from one side to another, making a pipe not leak using nothing but your bodies and so much more.
My favourite part of top team is when we were doing the water activities and got wet.
Thanks for reading
Comment question: Have you ever done top team?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tough Kids Fun Run Reflection

Welcome back!
Last week was a very busy week for our hub. We had multiple things on and one of the this was tough kids. This is a fun run that is annually held around Canterbury . This year there was over 5000 people involved at the 2 day event. It is a 2.7km run with mud, water and obstacles all the way round. I ran with my friends and it was really fun.
Thanks fro reading!
Comment question: Have you ever done a tough kids run before?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Afternoon Sports

Welcome Back!
Today I will be sharing my experience with the afternoon sports we have been doing after lunch on a Thursday. We have played;
Korf Ball
So far I have played everyone apart from Bowls. My favorite has been Softball. I liked Softball because I liked watching everyone hit the ball and it was also really fun to hit the ball.
Thanks for reading.
Comment question: What is your favorite sport?

Reading Create Task

Welcome back to my blog!!
Today I will be sharing my reading create task. We had to make predictions about the text which was about sitting and standing.  Here is the task:

Thanks for reading!
Comment question: Do you prefer sitting or standing?

Monday, November 18, 2019


Welcome Back to my Blog
Last week some people came to talk to our class from Attitude. They came and talked to us about friendships and how to make our relationships better with other people.  I learnt about different ways that people can make things worse or better around other people and that first impressions matter. Overall I enjoyed attitude coming in.
Thanks for reading!
Comment question: What is a way you make friends?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Reading Create Task

Welcome back. Today I will be sharing this weeks reading create task. We read a book called under the sea. We then had to write which was the best option. Here is my task:

Thanks for reading !
Comment question: What is your favourite sea animal and why?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Writing

Here is a free writing I did. I hope you enojy it.

The rain got harder as Bella walked along in tears. It had been a hard week for everyone especially Bella. The rainy days quickly turned into weeks which turned into months. The rain hadn't stopped yet and had been going for at least the past 3 months. “Why?” was a question that everyone wanted answered but no one could help with the answer. The puddles grew larger and larger around Bella’s ankles, soaking her brand new converse shoes. The only thing she could think about was what had happened to her just a few minutes ago.  She thought about the reasons why she was standing there and she thought about the good times and the bad times.

 Slowly the rain got harder and harder until it turned into a full on storm. Bella started jogging then sprinting as fast as she could. There was a glimmering white Cadillac speeding down the road. It swerved past the orange road cones coming at full speed towards Bella. Bella gasped and clutched the bag that she was holding on to so tightly her knuckles went white. The white car jolted to a stop just a few centimetres away from where she was standing. A man in a dark black suit with sparkling silver rimmed sunglasses leaped  out of the car and rushed towards her. He spat out a mouthful of words as fast as a cheetah runs when it is chasing after his prey. Bella put her hand up to stop and asked him to repeat himself but this time slower.

Comment Question: What is your favourite type of writing?
Thanks for reading

Monday, November 4, 2019

Recipe For Boiled Taro

Last week we had to write instructions for how to cook and how to do something from a different country. You may already know that I got Tonga. So here is a recipe I wrote on how to cook boiled Taro:
Boiled Taro

Today I will be sharing the recipe to make Boiled Taro. Boiled Taro is a traditional Tongan dish that was introduced into the country in the 1300s. This dish is one that can be eaten at meal times.

Serves 4-6
Pot and Lid
Bowl/Plate To serve
Veggie Brush
Sauce Pan

1.5 Kgs of Taro Root
1 Teaspoon Of Salt
1 Can Of Unsweetened Coconut Milk 

Step 1: Take the Taro Root and the Veggie Brush and scrub the Taro Root
Step 2: Get the pot and fill it up with enough water to fully cover the Taro
Step 3: Place the Taro in the pot and cover with the lid
Step 4: Boil for 1 ½ hours (Make sure it is cooked very well because it can scratch the throat if not)
Step 5: Remove from the heat and cool
Step 6: Using the Knife Peel away the skin of the Taro and cut into cubes
Step 7: Put the Coconut Milk and Taro in the sauce pan and heat thoroughly
Step 8: Add salt
Step 9: Pour into the serving dish and enjoy!

Thanks For reading!
Comment question: What is a country you have always wanted to vist?

Camp Reflection

Welcome back to my blog!
Last week our school went on school camp at the YMCA wainui camp. We were there for a week and It was really fun! The camp was about a 2 hr drive away from our school so the bus was one of my favourite parts. There was 8 people in my cabin and 9 people in my activity group. This was hard because not all of them were my close/ good friends. We had to write a reflection. Here is mine?

What did I learn?
I learnt that sometimes working in groups can be hard. I learnt this because a lot of the time we were working in groups. most of the time we were with the same people  and working with the same people for 1 week can be hard.

What did I like?
I really enjoyed Kayaking because even though i have done it before it was fun and doing it in the sea and worrying about falling into the freezing cold water. I also really enjoyed looking in the caves with my friends.

What am I grateful for?
I am grateful for the new opportunities I had at camp and the chance to have a go at things out of my comfort zone and things I normally wouldn't be able to do.

What did I find challenging?
I found coasteering hard because I was afraid to jump off the big rock even though I had support from my group. Another thing I found hard was the tramp to camp. It took a long time and because it was so hot it was really hard to do it. I am glad I did it though because the views were amazing.

Thanks for reading my post!
Comment question: Have you ever been on school camp if so where did you go?