
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

You Cubed Maths Course Reflection!

Welcome back to my blog!
Today I am going to be sharing my learning with the "You Cubed maths course" this maths course is run by some students at the Stanford university and it is all about the way our brain works and the myths and facts about maths. We spent about an hour per week on this course and each lesson takes about 0.5 -1 hour/s. I have really enjoyed this and will explain each lesson in more depth next

Lesson 1: Knocking down the myths about maths

This lesson  talks about success and how you don't have to be "smart" to be good at maths. 

Lesson 2: Maths and mindset

This lesson is all about how your brain grows when you make mistakes. 

Lesson 3: Mistakes and speed

This lesson is all about struggling and overcoming problems you may face well doing maths

Lesson 4: Number flexibility, mathematical reasoning and calculations 

This lesson is where you learn about making connection between different maths problems

Lesson 5: Number Patterns and representations

This lesson is where you learn about patterns and how they relate to maths

Lesson 6: Maths in life nature and work

This lesson is about maths and how it relates to our every day lives. 

Overall I have learnt a lot. One of the main things that I learnt is the fact that you don't have to be "smart" to be good at maths. Another thing is that there are patterns all through maths. Both of these things I will take from this course and apply to my own maths.
Thanks for reading
Comment Question: What is your favourite part of maths? 

Friday, July 26, 2019

Fitness Circuit

Welcome Back!
In our hub we had to make a fitness circuit. They had to have at least three different types of exercise! Here is mine:

Feel free to use it!
Comment Question: What is you favourite sport?
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

PBL This Term - Driving Question

Welcome back to my Blog!
I hope you all had a good school holidays. Today I am going to be sharing this terms PBL (Project Based Learning). This Term the PBL driving question is....... What does the future ask of us? That got us thinking. What are the biggest problems in the world and will they be present in the future? We got into groups of 4 and deiced on the 5 biggest problem in the world today. Some of the most popular ones were things like climate change,  war, inequality and some others. We then brainstormed some other problems in our world. We then thought about what the future might look like. Robots was something we thought would be very present in 20 years. We went on a site and put in some jobs to see if they would be taken by robots in 20 years. We thought about things robots have like us and things we have that they don't. I'm really excited to see what this term bring but for now bye!

Comment question: Do you think that robots will take your job?

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Live For A Day Self Reflection/ Video

Welcome Back!
As you may know yesterday my hub went live! I did a poem in the style of a poetry slam. My poem was based on racism a topic which I am sure you all know about. The way the day worked was there was a programme and it had the times you were going at. I went at 10.10 am. My group was the first out of the talks and poetry slams/poems! I was nervous and excited.
Here is my live video link: Video
Overall I am very proud of my PBL and think I did a good job!
Comment Question: Did you enjoy my video?
Thanks For Watching!