
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

PBL Teaser!

Welcome back to my blog!
This week I am going to be talking about our PBL for the term. This term our big question is...... "What is greatness?". We went to lots of different workshops about great people. We had to write a biography about a great person as well. You can go and find mine on my blog if you want! Then we started learning about the digi awards. The digi awards are a competition that goes on every year.   You make a digital piece of work that answers or shows the main idea. Then they have awesome prizes for the winners! We are making our PBL and having our own digi awards then we are going to submit them into the competition. I am in a group of three with Ella and Ruby. Here is a picture of our website that we are making!

Comment question:
What is your favourite device?
Thanks for reading my blog!

Values Summary

Welcome back to my blog!
A few weeks ago we started talking about our school values! We have four values they are Respect, Compassion, Service and Integrity.  These are important to our school because these are the values St Francis of Assisi showed.

Being respectful means looking after your belongings, others, yourself and the environment.


Compassion means motivate people to go out of there way to help other people.

Service means to serve our school by doing the right things and volunteering without asking.

Integrity means being honest and having strong moral principles and doing things without people asking.

These are some ideas that my group came up with.
Comment Question: What is a value you live by or relate to?
Thanks for reading!